We met The Outside Magazine Gear Guy two weeks ago at Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show in Denver .

We chatted about patches, asked where the idea came from and why these cool shapes? All sorts of curious journalist questions. We gave him ooodles of our new patches- made from upcycled fabric – to test on his gear, along with a quick tute on how to apply our DIY repair. A hand-shake, a wave… and it was on to the next at-show patch demo.

The next time we saw Joe, he was in his patchdazzled coat featured on Outside Online.

The Best Piece of 2018 Gear Costs $10? Yes it does!

Thank you Outside Online for the great article and letting people know it’s easy to repair your gear so it can go on the next adventure and tell more of your stories. We tip our patchdazzled hat to you too, Mr. Jackson!


Patch on!

XOXO Kelli